日米台関係研究所が発表した「共同声明」(Joint Statement)




・日本 渡辺利夫(日米台関係研究所理事長)、浅野和生(平成国際大学教授)、川村純彦(川村研究所 代表)、金田秀昭(岡崎研究所理事)、渡部悦和(日本戦略研究フォーラムシニアフェロー)、 小野田治(日本安全保障戦略研究所上席研究員)、矢野一樹(安全保障懇話会研究員)、梅原克 彦(台湾・中信金融管理学院教授、元仙台市長)、林建良(台湾の声編集長)、柚原正敬(日本 李登輝友の会事務局長)

・米国 ウォレス・グレグソン(元国防次官補)、ジェームス・アワー(ヴァンダービルト大学名誉教 授)、マーク・ストークス(プロジェクト2049研究所事務局長)、イアン・イーストン(プロ ジェクト2049研究所研究員)、ケリー・ガーシャネック(戦略国際問題研究所上級参与)

・台湾 頼怡忠(台湾シンクタンク副執行長)、林彦宏(国防部国家安全研究院研究員)

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 2019年5月28日〜29日の両日、東京において、国際シンポジウム「日米台安全保障協力の方向性 ― 台湾有事に備えた日米台の連携」が開催された。このシンポジウムは「一般社団法人日米台関係研究所」の主催により開催され、安全保障に関連する本質的分析ならびに提言を行った。これに参加した私達、日本、米国ならびに台湾の安全保障分野、台湾問題等に関する専門家、有識者、研究者たちは、3国の連携をテーマに、率直かつ有益な討議を行なった。





















6.中国による、日米の安全保障同盟や台湾の民主主義と自由の弱体化を目的とし、これらに好ま  しくない影響を与えるために行われる一連の工作活動に適切に対処するための、政策、メカニ  ズムならびに手段・方策を確立せよ。










        国際シンポジウム「日米台安全保障協力の方向性」参加者を代表して                     一般社団法人日米台関係研究所 理事長 渡辺利夫

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                                 May 29, 2019International Symposium Direction of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Security CooperationJapan-U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation in Preparation for Taiwan ContingenciesHosted byThe Research Institute for Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Relations (JUST)

Joint Statement


 The International Symposium on the Direction of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Security Cooperation entitled “Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation in Preparation for Taiwan Contingencies” was held in Tokyo on May 28 and 29, 2019. The symposium was hosted by the Research Institute for Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Relations (JUST), and provided substantive security related analysis and recommendations.

We, the participants of this symposium―comprising specialists, experts, and researchers in the fields of Japan, US, and Taiwan security and Taiwan issues―have conducted frank and beneficial discussion on the theme of cooperation among the three parties. The symposium’s objectives included improving the regional security environment for Taiwan and ascertaining the direction of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation against the background of China’s growing and explicit ambition to annex Taiwan, which is raising tensions in Taiwan and neighboring areas.

 Although the entire content of frank and intensive discussions among Japanese, American and Taiwanese specialists on security and military matters from their expert perspectives cannot be disclosed due to their nature, we wish to add that these discussions were extremely meaningful and timely.

Basic Recognition Regarding the Direction of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Security CooperationBased on Taiwan’s Current Situation

 Through discussions conducted over two days, we shared awareness of Taiwan’s current situation from various perspectives with regard to many security related issues.

 China, outwardly pressing forward with efforts to expand its hegemony while inwardly monitoring and repressing its citizens, continues to pose a threat to the peace and security of neighboring countries.

 In particular, in the Asia-Pacific region, the Xí Jin-Ping regime has positioned “Taiwan” at the top of its list of “core interests”, declaring its intention to “absorb” Taiwan by whatever means necessary, including military force. At the same time, not stopping at making unlawful territorial claims throughout the East and South China Seas, China is already constructing airstrips and ports on various features in the South China Sea, steadily creating military bases. In addition, in the new fields of outer space and cyberspace, China is acquiring capabilities ahead of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 2049.

 In contrast, the geographical location of Taiwan is critical to the security of the maritime commons. As a vibrant democracy, Taiwan, Japan and the U.S. share the universal values of “freedom”, “democracy”, “respect for human rights”, and “rule of law”. Japan’s security interests and values, and those of the U.S., are inextricably linked to those of the people of Taiwan.

 While it is important to establish wide-reaching cooperation with Taiwan’s neighboring ASEAN member states and Oceania countries including Australia and the Pacific Island countries, as well as India, and European countries, as well as other states that share the same universal values as mentioned above, it is imperative that Japan, the U.S. and Taiwan, strengthen their triangular cooperation with regard to security.

Recommendations for Concrete Policies

 Based on our basic awareness outlined above, today we make the following Recommendations to the political leaders of Japan, the U.S. and Taiwan, and to all stakeholders involved in policy-making in the fields of diplomacy and security.

1. Approve participation of Taiwan in Japan-U.S. co-hosted humanitarian regional   maritime security exercises

The U.S. and Japan should co-host the “Western Rim of the Pacific Exercise (WEST RIMPAC),” aiming to establish humanitarian maritime security cooperation systems such as HA/DR (humanitarian assistance / disaster relief) in the region. From a humanitarian perspective, Taiwan should be invited as an indispensable major player in the region for the cooperative HA/DR operations. Through these exercises, Taiwan’s participation in the various maritime security cooperative exercises or training will be fostered in the future.

2. Commence official security dialogue between Japan and Taiwan.

 The political and diplomatic strangulation and military intimidation of Taiwan by China is openly taking place and appears to be increasingly effective: it has reached a dangerous level, and is near a tipping point. Japan and Taiwan share democratic values and very similar security perspectives. Therefore, a close and effective security dialogue between Japan and Taiwan has become essential. Under such circumstances, the Taiwan side is eager to strengthen official cooperation with Japan. Japan should initiate an official security dialogue with Taiwan in order to further cement the two nations’ strong unity of values and security interests.

3. Initiate official security dialogue between Japan, the U.S., and Taiwan, based on   the realization of the Recommendation 2.

 Political and military involvement of the U.S. is essential to the security of Japan and Taiwan. Once a security dialogue between Japan and Taiwan has been launched, a security dialogue between the three countries of Japan, the U.S. and Taiwan should be started immediately.

4. Enact in Japan of a “Basic Act on Exchange between Japan and Taiwan”.

 Ever since the severing of official relations between Japan and Taiwan in September1972, there has been no legal foundation whatsoever for relations between Japan andTaiwan. Since then, relations between Japan and Taiwan have been maintained only by way of agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) between private organizations (the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association and the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association). However, the grounds for these agreements and MOUs being executed by Japan are no more than a single statement of the Chief Cabinet Secretary in December 1972, and there is not the slightest legal foundation for them. In order to strengthen Japan-Taiwan relations, Japan must quickly resolve this bizarre state of affairs as a nation based on the rule of law. Furthermore, as China rapidly rises both politically and militarily with its unconcealed goal of regional hegemony, aiming to advance from the East and South China Seas into the Pacific Ocean, dialog and cooperation between Japan and Taiwan on security issues are becoming pressing issues. However, it is insufficient to address these issues through private-sector agreements. In view of the increasingly dangerous situation in the Asia-Pacific region and across the Taiwan Strait, we believe that it is imperative that Japan enact a “Basic Act on Exchange between Japan and Taiwan” as soon as possible.

5. Enact legislation of agreements and MOUs with Japan and the U.S. in Taiwan.

 There exists a Security Treaty between Japan and the U.S. that sets the basis for mutual defense structures and capabilities and the U.S. Taiwan Relations Act that governsTaiwan-U.S. relations. In addition to this vital treaty and crucial U.S. law, various agreements and MOUs have been concluded between Japan and Taiwan, and Taiwan and the U.S.Therefore, with the realization of Recommendation 4 above as a prerequisite, it is to be hoped that Taiwan will make progress in legislating the agreement and MOUs with Japan and the U.S. In doing so, a solid Japan-U.S.-Taiwan trilateral relationship can be concluded.

6. Establish policies, mechanisms, and resources to commonly counter malign influence   operations initiated by the PRC designed to undermine the Japan-U.S. security   alliance and the democracy and freedom of Taiwan.

 A major weapon in China’s drive for regional and global hegemony is its well-fundedand resourced influence operations apparatus. Its influence operations are designed to ultimately destroy Taiwan by dividing and demoralizing its population, and to undermine Japan and America’s democracies and ability to resist China’s hegemony. There has been insufficient effort, coordination, and resources dedicated to successfully blocking this existential threat.


 The balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region is unmistakably shifting towards Chinese dominance unless China’s aggressive, destabilizing behavior is checked.China’s ambitions are clear. It has an irrefutable intention of maintaining its Communist dictatorship, using its power firstly to assert regional hegemony and secondlyto attain global hegemony. The annexation of Taiwan is essential to China achieving its malign ambitions.

Taiwan is central to China’s expansion of its maritime, military, and political interests. If Taiwan should fall into the hands of China, the security equilibrium of the Asia-Pacific region will collapse at one fell swoop. The very existence of Japan would be threatened, as would freedom and democracy. U.S. influence in the region would be vastly diminished.

Conversely, Taiwan and its surrounding waters are the “choke points” that will decide the success or failure of Chinese efforts to grasp hegemony. If Japan, the U.S., and Taiwan can cooperate to protect this region, it is certain that China’s ambitions for obtaining regional and ultimately global hegemony will be derailed or at least indefinitely deterred.

China’s aggressive behavior has brought Taiwan to the point that its democracy and freedom are fatally threatened. The international community is responding, including a reemphasis of the strategic importance of Taiwan. Japan and Taiwan share common values and common security threats. Japan and the Japanese people must strengthen its awareness of this situation, and provide both material and moral support for Taiwan, in collaboration with the U.S. And with regard to “Taiwan contingencies” the three parties of Japan, the U.S. and Taiwan must collaborate to ensure that such an occurrence is rigorously prevented―and if not prevented, resolutely resisted.

We sincerely hope that the six specific recommendations made at this international symposium will be realized as soon as possible.

Toshio WATANABE President The Research Institute for Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Relations (JUST)        Representing the participants of the International Symposium on the        Directions of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan Security Cooperation

【日本李登輝友の会:取扱い本・DVDなど】 内容紹介 ⇒ http://www.ritouki.jp/


● 台湾フルーツビール・台湾ビールお申し込みフォーム


● 美味しい台湾産食品お申し込みフォーム【常時受付】


● 2019年:特選台湾産アップルマンゴーお申し込み【締切=7月18日】

● 2019年:パパイヤ・マンゴー詰め合わせセットお申し込み【締切=6月28日】

● 台湾土産の定番パイナップルケーキとマンゴーケーキのお申し込み【常時受付】
 *詳細は本会HP ⇒ http://www.ritouki.jp/index.php/info/2018pineapplecake/

● 最高級珍味 台湾産天然カラスミのご案内【常時受付】
 *詳細は本会HP ⇒ http://www.ritouki.jp/index.php/info/20160427karasumi/

● 書籍お申し込みフォーム

・劉嘉雨著『僕たちが零戦をつくった─台湾少年工の手記』 *在庫僅少
・呉密察(故宮博物院長)監修『台湾史小事典』(第三版)  *在庫僅少
・宗像隆幸・趙天徳編訳『台湾独立建国運動の指導者 黄昭堂
・林建良著『中国ガン─台湾人医師の処方箋』 *在庫僅少
・黄文雄著『哲人政治家 李登輝の原点

● 台湾・友愛グループ『友愛』お申し込みフォーム


● 映画DVDお申し込みフォーム

・『KANO 1931海の向こうの甲子園』*在庫僅少

● 講演会DVDお申し込みフォーム

・2018年 李登輝元総統沖縄ご訪問(2018年6月23日・24日)*new
・2014年 李登輝元総統ご来日(2014年9月19日〜25日)
・2007年 李登輝前総統来日特集「奥の細道」探訪の旅(2007年5月30日〜6月10日)
・2004年 李登輝前総統来日特集(2004年12月27日〜2005年1月2日)
・平成15年 日台共栄の夕べ(2003年11月30日)





●発 行:
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TEL:03-3868-2111 FAX:03-3868-2101



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日本李登輝友の会 事務局長 柚原正敬
(ニホンリトウキトモノカイ ジムキョクチョウ ユハラマサタカ)



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