
【漢文】海外台湾人声援反黒箱服貿運動 回応総統府記者会之声明


1. 厳正抗議馬政府無視民主価値:馬英九無視民主精神,完全模糊学生対程序正義的訴求以及焦点,在此表示厳正抗議及深感痛心。

2. 強烈要求「退回而非審査」:因国会席次比例問題,即使逐条審査也只是遂行執政党的意志,因此我們在此重申我們「退回服貿」的訴求。

3. 海外台湾人330行動層級拉高:重新声明,若政府継続藐視民意、拒絶理解我們対民主程序的抗議重点,330海外行動不排除拡大挙弁。

4. 全力支持黒色島国青年陣線最新四点訴求:召開公民憲政会議、退回服貿、本会期完全両岸協議監督法制化、立委響応民間訴求。(声明全文如下)

海外台湾人声援反黒箱服貿運動 工作団隊 敬上

声明稿新聞聯絡人:日本 林彦瑜(因日本時差最近,請媒体朋友電+81 80 3016 0911)
「退回服貿,重啓談判!三月三十海外台人站出来!」全球的時差接力行動相関細節請詢問該行動総召:英国 謝海堂 /
sfuelrod@gmail.com / 臉書 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1456821705



「先有条例 再来審議 給我民主 其余免談」

【回応馬総統国際記者会声明 】- 中、英文版

政令宣導 罔顧民意 既不民主 又無法治
先有条例 再来審議 給我民主 其余免談












Statement in Response to President Ma Ying-jeou

In response to President Ma Ying-jeou’s morning press conference, we would like to make the following proclamation [in Chinese]:

政令宣導 罔顧民意 既不民主 又無法治
先有条例 再来審議 給我民主 其余免談

It has been six days since the people, upset over the undemocratic and autocratic passage of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, have occupied the Legislature, an institution that was supposed to speak on their behalf. Tens of thousands more continue to rally outside in concern over Taiwan’s future.
It is regrettable that President Ma has taken until now to respond to these concerns. But instead of constructive dialogue, the president was only willing to repeat the old and tired points in support of the CSSTA that have been used, like a broken record, by his administration over the past few days.

The president continues to disregard public opinion, and the aspirations of us students and our fellow citizens. And we must emphasize that it was the Ma administration’s illegal passage of the CSSTA in the Legislature’s committee stage that have now led the people to occupy the chamber, not the other way around.

If the people have no mechanism of monitoring the government, and if the government insists on handling agreements in an autocratic and undemocratic manner, than it becomes obvious that our democracy has failed. The CSSTA, drafted, negotiated, and signed behind closed doors is a perfect example of this failure.

In a democratic country, the people must have a say in their country’s future. The Taiwanese people have spoken – they demand to be able to participate in decisions that will impact a whole generation of Taiwanese and this country’s future.

In response to the remarks by President Ma, the following is a substantive four point list that can resolve this continuing crisis:

1. The Holding of a ‘Citizen’s Constitutional Conference’
Faced with our continuing constitutional crisis, along with eroding confidence in the Ma administration and questions over the future of this country, we ask that a bipartisan ‘Citizen’s Constitutional Conference’ be held that will be inclusive of the variety of voices in our society.

2. The Legislature’s Rejection of the CSSTA
The Legislature should reject the CSSTA in lieu of a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements.

3. Passage of a Monitoring Mechanism for Cross-Strait Agreements in the Current Legislative Session
Prior to the passage of this mechanism, Taiwan and China should not negotiate or sign any types of agreements.

4. Legislators from Both Parties Should Address the People’s Demands
We call on legislators from both parties to address and pass a draft bill (両岸協定締結条例) for systemizing the process for signing cross-strait agreements.


